Following your dreams is hard because of the impact it has on other people. Many people view it as selfish, or not in line with the needs of others. Entrepreneurship is one way to follow your dreams of business ownership and help others along the way. Most people are going to encourage you to follow your dreams by starting a business. There is perceived value with higher income, better lifestyle, more freedom over your schedule, and being able to provide for others.

Others around you may say “Whoa, hold up, can you do that?”. Many times people will only support your dreams if it is aligned with their own. Often the closer relationships you have with others the tighter control they have over your dreams.
Saying all of that, obviously, it is important to be sensitive to have a good understanding of how your choices will impact loved ones around you. You do not want to force your opinions on others. Explaining your plans in detail can help them better understand your dreams and how you plan to reach them.
A Need for Discipline and System
One of the biggest reasons dreams are not achieved or abandoned is the lack of discipline. Having the discipline to reach your dreams is tough. Most people are creatures of habit and changing behavior over an extended period takes a lot of mental fortitude. As an example, it is easy for a person to eat healthy and stay on a diet for a brief period when the challenge is to eat healthy and stay on your diet for a lifetime. A person needs to be strict on oneself and not give into excuses.
A Need for Patience
Most people want instant gratification and quick results. Many are looking for short cuts to get to their dream as quick as possible with minimum effort. A lot of people are like this, the difference between those that stick with their dreams is they see long term and have the patience to reach their dreams. Good things take time. You want to plant seeds and watch them grow over time to reach your dreams.

A Need to Take Risk
More risk means more reward in most things in life. A person will have to make sacrifices which are not easy when you are used to live a life of comfort. Most people prefer the status quo instead of chasing their dreams. A franchise company like Executive Image Building Services helps individuals and families become financially independent by owning a business that provides income and security. Often time there is less risk with a proven franchise system.
By Ray Jackson